Spur Terra at National Western Center

Spur Terra creates interactive spaces that connect visitors with educators, researchers, and industry partners leading innovation in food and agriculture.

60,000 SF


Denver, CO

Colorado State University Spur Campus at the National Western Center
2023 Best Project, Higher Education/Research
ENR Mountain States

The New York Times / The Yellowstone Effect’: Cities Cash In on Cowboy Culture

Colorado State University

Located at the epicenter of the National Western Center’s (NWC) transformational agribusiness redevelopment, Spur Terra is a year-round destination that integrates research, outreach, and education into a single immersive environment, providing an interactive place for multigenerational visitors to learn from educators, researchers, and industry partners. The building furthers Colorado State University’s (CSU) mission of having a global impact in food and agriculture at the convergence of urban and rural communities, history, and innovation.

Designed as an interconnected ‘discovery landscape,’ science, research, education, and technology are displayed in ways that can be shared broadly with the community. Diverse programs associated with food, agriculture, education, and community engagement tell the story of modern agricultural innovation while connecting visitors with where their food comes from. A series of outdoor garden and terrace spaces, both at grade and on the rooftop, support outdoor education and demonstration, such as teaching community members how to safely grow, prepare, and cook their own food.

Sited at the primary gateway on the CSU Spur campus, Spur Terra’s design celebrates innovation and technology while connecting with the history and pragmatic spirit of the NWC. The architectural palette is inspired by the patterns and tones of Colorado’s agricultural landscape; materials anchoring the building to the ground draw on the rich color and texture of agricultural soil profiles and crop landscapes. As the building elevates vertically, inspiration is drawn from the highly technical and delicate structural forms found across today’s modern agricultural landscape. Ground level glazing provides indoor-outdoor connectivity, engaging passersby in the rich narrative of food and agriculture innovation. 

The architectural palette is inspired by and rooted in the patterns and tones of Colorado’s agricultural landscape; materials anchoring the building to the ground draw on the rich color and texture of both agricultural soil profiles and crop landscapes.

Diverse programs associated with food, agriculture, education, and community engagement tell the story of modern agricultural innovation while connecting visitors with where their food comes from.

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